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[iito] Business Intelligence. (7/1/19). "Press Release: Worldwide First! [iito] Does Away with All Tracking Cookies and Third Party Cookies". Bremen.
> New Design of [iito] Web Portals Opens New Opportunities
> High Quality Content Trumps the Collection of User Data
> [iito] Life Sciences Business Portals Target Decision Makers Only
> [iito] Portals on Course to Generate Several Millions of Page Views in 2019
[iito] Business Intelligence proudly announces a worldwide first. Starting 1 July 2019 all [iito] web portals run without any third party and/or tracking cookies. The only existent cookie is a php session cookie. This change is part of a new web design of all [iito] portals. The new design makes the information on the portals even more accessible and useful.
With this move the industry-leading [iito] portals – like, or – are the only professional life science business portals, making most of the revenue from banner advertising, that do not even try to track individual users, while providing highest quality, hand-edited business information to top level decision makers in the life sciences and analytical industries.
Focused, high quality content attracts many and the right visitors
As [iito] portals cover life science business news and nothing else, nobody should stay on such portals for a longer time without an interest in these topics. The average time a visitor spends (within one php session) on our web portals is more than three minutes! And [iito] portals are on course to attract several million page views during 2019. So, obviously the visitors fit the content, and vice versa. In addition [iito] portals rank on top of Google Search for many major healthcare investor and biotech partnering events, with thousands of visitors each month entering [iito] portals this way.
Optimising the click numbers by minimising the need to click
[iito] always provides the best information in the most accessible form, in particular
– we don’t use »teasers« and
– we provide sortable results lists for each category with one hundred entries per page
A »teaser« is something like »Europan biotech secures new funding round, led by major VC firm«. A line that forces you to do at least one more click, to really know what happened.
At [iito] portals this title would read like this:
»Germany-based BIOTECHCO ABC Raises €34m Round, Led by INVESTOR XYZ«
Thus, at [iito] portals there is not even a need to click, if you just want the general information. If you want more, you get the whole original press release plus index terms, where you can access directly more information about the organisations, persons, products/technologies and deals involved. Perfect.
Providing results lists that are not sortable, or lists that contain 10 or less entries per page, is quite useless for professionals with little time. You are always forced to do another click to get the broad picture and you lose the broad view and a lot of your time. [iito] changes all this.
The result of this policy of »saving the visitor another click« is more than impressive: on average each visitor (within one php session) accounts for more than six page views at [iito] portals. Compared to our peer group this a very impressive number of page views per visit.
Tracking without personalised tracking
[iito] is very much aware that its advertising customers need to »know the numbers«, so not tracking individual users does not mean, that you can’t track the results of your advertising campaign. Over the last years – in collaboration with our advertising clients – we have optimised the ways to do so:
– you can use trackable links that end up in your Google Analytics system
– you can make a landing page and look at the number of page views for this page
– we can provide you with the total number of page impressions for your banner.
So, a customer will always now the number of page impressions for the banners as well as the number of banner clicks; and that they target the right persons.
What a long strange trip it’s been
Marcus Lippold, Head of [iito] Business Intelligence, comments:
»This is a strange and funny story! While for some time in the past we used PIWIK for tracking visitors, we have always been very keen to assure the privacy of our users. For example, our newsletters are totally »clean«, i.e., they are not personalised and we do not know whether they are opened at all and who clicked. Not even speaking of software that is tracking all movements of your computer mouse.«
He continues: »Indeed, there has been a funny moment as we created our new web design during first half of 2019, when I asked the programmers “Do we still have cookies running?” and they answered “The only »real« cookie is the one for asking the visitor whether he has accepted cookies!” So, we did away with this and you do not even have to accept cookies according to the EU data privacy regulations. And on top of this, you can’t even enter any data directly via our web portal. Simply send us an e-mail, or – more secure – a postal letter.«
### ENDS ###
About [iito] Business Intelligence and
[iito] Business Intelligence is a German business information services provider, focused on the European and North American life sciences and the worldwide analytical industry. offers manually curated, systematically edited information for business development purposes since 2002. You can find and evaluate customers, suppliers, financing partners, and competitors in a quick and intelligent way. All content is organised hierarchically and multiple powerful search options are available. Index terms include complex keywords for deals and transactions. The offering includes a customised version, that includes the tracking of organisations (e.g., partners, key accounts, competitors) as well as product groups or regions according to customer specifications.
More information can be found at
[iito] Business Intelligence
Marcus Lippold
Winterstr. 44
28215 Bremen
Phone: + 49 (0) 421-9889-173
E-Mail: [email protected]
Record changed: 2023-06-05 |

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Find more infos about advertising at [iito] web portals in our media flyer [iito] in a Nutshell [PDF file]
Please visit also our web portals for the life sciences in German-speaking Europe (DE, AT & CH) and the worldwide mass spectrometry industry at (life sciences in German-speaking Europe) and (worldwide mass spectrometry)

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