Organisation › Details
MEPC Milton Park Ltd.
Milton Park is home to 7,500 people and 250 organizations. As one of Europe’s largest business parks, Milton Park accommodates all types of business, from manufacturing and medical services to mobile technology. MEPC is the manager and developer of Milton Park. About MEPC Limited MEPC provides, creates and develops the right buildings and working environments for modern organisations, helping companies grow, succeed and belong to vibrant business communities. By investing in long term relationship with customers, MEPC understands the ever changing needs of business and delivers property solutions that are fit for purpose. The business estates managed by MEPC accommodate over 350 organizations and circa 10,000 people working in manufacturing, professional services, and leading edge science and technology. The on-site teams consistently exceed expectations through their professionalism, dedication and approachability. Investors benefit from this unique approach to working with occupiers which produces consistent class leading returns. *
Group | BT Pension Scheme (BTPS) (Group) | |
Industry | business park management / science park management | |
Person | Dipple, James (BT Pension Scheme 201510 CEO of MEPC Milton Park) | |
Region | Abingdon, Oxfordshire | |
Country | United Kingdom (GB) | |
Street | 99 Milton Park Innovation Centre | |
City | OX14 4RY Abingdon, Oxfordshire | |
Tel | +44-1235-865555 | |
Address record changed: 2020-12-02 | ||
Basic data | Employees | n. a. |
* Document for »About Section«: | ||
Record changed: 2023-07-10 |
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